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Miracles are our birthright. No matter what level of consciousness we are at, blessings and miracles are with us as our Angels.

On the last day of rain, the sun began piercing through the clouds. Its warmth filled the earth. Beautiful colored perennials, foxgloves, and hollyhocks awakened. The seed takes a journey before our eyes to become a beautiful flower. The miracle of it rising through dirt and debris to find the sun teaches us to know faith. The light was placed long before it blossomed.

We rarely hear the whispers of the universe building our world because it happens in ways we don’t expect. The detour can be a miracle we never knew waiting for us. The TAO isn’t known by normal means. It’s weaved within our light, but only by miracles do we uncover it. The acorn became an oak tree not by its own accord but by the God’s light placed in the world. The wind knows every leaf and carries them beautifully.

We’re living through life experiences, not knowing our wind. God knows where miracles are born and where to place them. Faith is our shelter, peace, and courage. God shaped the acorn and shaped blood to know it was for our veins. His light is constantly renewing us for happiness, depth, and substance. We’re traveling to it and have already healed and awakened long before we arrive.

Love recalibrates the world for miracles and blessings. 


Prayer has also been a powerful part of human life to hold the energy Love. The light to praying is to live in the prayer energy after the prayer. When we pray for a miracle for a co-worker but afterward only live in thoughts that crucify the co-worker, we deflect the miracle.

If we pray to have peace but afterward only think in worry and anxiety we deflect the miracle of peace. We want our thoughts to sit in the light of our prayers even when it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t live as we want. We carry the alchemy for bringing it into being. Our thoughts must align to absorb it. 

We’re never alone, and the I in life is the we out of the pool of consciousness that sends us into an idea of being.