Heavens Voices Beyond Our Light
Listen to God and His Angels
These are for humanity to understand creation’s level is all there is with human consciousness as the tiny dot in the center of a massive circle of life.
Below are recordings of God and Heaven. Most of you will not hear much but some of you will. You’re hearing God speak out of thin air and through matter. The world is resonance and there is more life beyond our eyes living with us.
Our world is alive with light. “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10
- God Saying Love 9-3-2024
- God Saying "Balloon" I started filming something in the sky when it was said. Looped 4x's
- God Healing Me said "Follow" Angels said, " He Loves you Happy Happy Happy." Looped 3x's
- God Taught There is no death and said, "Don't You Fear Death For it Will follow You." Looped 4x's
- God Teaching What being Alive Is "Quit thinking You're a Body." Looped 4x's
- God Teaching "Give to Cat." "Give" is said first then seconds later "to Cat." Looped 3x's
- God "Do You Love Me?" Looped 3x's.
I’m an Alien
During a prayer, I recorded Heaven and the teaching. Heaven was teaching about depth in life, and the idea that other races are aliens is only out of not knowing what human is. We were created by intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive. God has no facial features or body and doesn’t need oxygen or lungs. We don’t think about our invisible world or the light of it. The idea of “other races” is not living. We’re living blended with intelligence beyond our idea of human.
Hearing Thoughts
God opened my ears for living with Him teaching about Himself. This video shows how Conscious Energy exists in higher resonance giving his thoughts to me. It gives people a deeper understanding of how telepathy lives.
Headphones are recommended.
- 1. Death
- 2. Blue Light ( Video Below)
- 3. Death Hate
- 4. God Saying Follow
- 5. I Want to Help You Out
- 6. A Halo
- 7. Angel Says, "Throw the Halo"
- 8. Angel Says, "Breath Now Debo"
- 9. God Saying, "Family"
- 10. My Brothers Voice Saying Debo
- 11. God Saying " Do You Love Me?"
- 12. Look At Me
- 13. I'm Worshipping Him
- 14. Laugh At Me, I'm Energy
- 15. Energy, You hear it, You have energy in Him
- 16. I'm in Heaven Right Now
What am I hearing?
Our world is living in God’s light. His light is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of ideas in resonance out of His mind. Our living in matter is through Him. You’re hearing God speak along with hearing His Angels speak. The fabric of our world is higher intelligence.
Angels Are Light
Listen with headphones.
- 17. God Will Help you
- 18. I Have Purpose (silly)
- 19. Come On Get Up
- 20. Hey
- 21. Break Out
- 22. I Have to Wait til Saturday
- 23. I Hate Blood
- 24. Look At That ( Video Below)
- 25. Sanctify, Talk to Him
- 26. Too Many Butttons, Keep You Fired Up
- 27. I'm the Enigma, Debora, That Ran
- 28. Drink Water
- 29. Surprise Me
- 30. He Got Heaven
- 31. Happy
- 32. That's the Language of Love
- 33. You're An Angel
- 34. Im an Alien
- 35. Send Love
- 36. Human Beings Will Remember You Had the Light of an Angel that Freed
Where are they?
They are in light and part of the self-organizing energy called Heaven’s level of life. Human consciousness is the speck in the center of a massive pool of consciousness that is other races of Heaven. We’re blended and weaved with light in God.
We Are the Love of Other Races
Headphones are recommended.
- 37. Love Your Family
- 38. Happiness is a Virtue
- 39. Super Happening
- 40. Love them, Energy, You Have Energy in Him, You hear it?
- 41. You're the Man
- 42. Have You Not Seen the Man?
- 43. Why Don't You Play With the Dog
- 44. You're Him
- 45. The President
- 46. Avalanche in Washington, in record time, that's the power of energy, when you're with the big man.
- 47. Devil, They Will Run When They Have the Light
- 48. Love the Man
- 49. That's the Time for Spring
- 50. They Prosper On Your Pain
- 51. They Have A Patent On Me
- 52. God Saying “Heaven Says You Look At Me”
- 53. You Gotta Explain You're A Prophet
- 54. Robin, I'm in Your Energy
- 55. Amendments, They're Changing Amendments
- 56. God Saying “Your Brother's Disruptive”
- 57. Make it Special
- 58. God Saying “Let Me In”
- 59. Our Problem is Not Domestic
- 60. The Very Good Men
How can they live without matter as their form?
God is of no form and is of all form. His light is consciousness and out of Him He created self-organizing energy for existing in different temperatures through holographic light. The world we see doesn’t live as we see it. It’s hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of subatomic particles living in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. The world is consciousness in God.
The Air is Living and Alive
Listen with Headphones.
- 61. They're a Spider, The Rainy Season is Better for Me
- 62. I'm Breathing
- 63. I Have the Baby
- 64. I'm the Law
- 65. You like Pain...is the Animal
- 66. I Had a Breakthrough
- 67. A Common Mistake with the Governments Plan
- 68. Coming Soon
- 69. We have arrived for dinner with thunder. It's happening.
- 70. God Saying “Alpha”
- 71. Angel Saying, "Heaven"
- 72. God saying, "Let the Light Flow in"
- 73. The Homeless Man's Thought Thinking "I'm Feeling Lucky"
- 74. Thank the Lord 4-4-21
- 75. Great Power
- 76. Trust You'll Save Them
- 77. I Can Help (Loud and it sounds like me)
- 78. There's Teamwork
- 79. 2 Angels - Im in Heaven - Lets Right the Broken
- 80. Randy is said from Barbara from Heaven
- 81. Wake-up You're Happy
- 82. Android is What People Want
- 83. Families the Law
- 84.2 Angels Got the Man - Don't be Shocked
- 85. Got the Man
- 86. They Want Help
- 87. I Think My Moms Sick
- 88. God You're Asleep
- 89. This is Like Heaven
- 90. Time for Make-up
- 91. Have a Knack for Fun
- 92. I'm God
- 93. You will Beat the Next Devil
- 94. We Got Ningham
- 95. Be Love
- 96. Start the Book
- 97. They Ruin Things
- 98. There Was a Purpose
- 99. The Record
- 100. I'm Heaven
- 101. Heaven ( loud)
- 102. God Don't Drink the Water
Voices On Videos
Many of the recordings have much more being said but I know humanity’s ears can’t hear all of them. On some, there is deafening wisdom but this platform is only trying to give humanity the way to know we live in a bigger world with many other races of Heaven.
Listen with Headphones.
- 104. God - Stop it
- 105. We're Copying You
- 106. God- Let Them Feel It
- 107. The Mojo
- 108. Hospital
- 109. I'll Get Through the Nightmare
- 110. They Went After You - Our People
- 111. It's Hard to Push with Love
- 112. Say Your Purpose Loud
- 113. God - I want You Happy
- 114. God & His Angel - Move Ahead - Show the Halo
- 115. The President is Essential
- 116. An Evil Man
- 117. In God the Pope Sins
- 118. God - Cut the Bread
- 119. God- They Will Kill Light
- 120. Ill Kill you, I'm Evil, I Mean It
- 121. I'm A Machine of Love
- 122. God - More Love
- 123. God - Live More
- 124. Love
- 125. God - Fight Demons
- 126. The Door is Locked
- 127. Ban You
- 128. God - One World
- 129. The Asteroid
- 130. God - Post Everything
- 131. Here Comes Trouble
- Coming Soon
- 133. Go to Sleep
- 134. Coming Soon
- 135. Never Forget I'm Watching People
- 136. Happiness
- 137. Tell it
- 138. Hear Me
- 139. On Camera
- 140. God - Give Me Water
- 141. Coming Soon
- 142. Love Me
- 143. Get the Light
- 144. Anger
- 145. God - Lean on Me
- 146. God-Don't You Fear Death For It Will Follow You
- 147. Is There Time to Always Love
- 148. Heaven
- 149. Think Love
- 150. Expensive
- 151. God - Laugh
- 152. Jesus Christ
- 153. God - Fill Your Life Up with Love
Video Footage From Some of the Recordings
There is more here than we know.

God saying, “Give to Cat.”
Yesterday, God told me to trust Love. A feral cat was coming to the back door. She began sleeping in the backyard chairs and then sitting at the door as if she was picking out my home for Love. God told me to give to the cat to feed my Soul with something no one could […]

Listen to the Mans Thought
Hear the beautiful Soul in light. The video looks like it’s snowing but thats energy. It was filmed in Los Angeles. Keep him in your prayers.

God Teaching What Being Alive is and Isn’t
In 2014 God was teaching and said, “Quit Thinking You’re A Body.” He was teaching how we believe the body is the light of our existence when it’s not.

God’s Voice in Resonance
God is of no form and is of all form. He can move through anything and is of everything. His voice is in resonance of the light.

Throwing the Halo | Real Footage
At the very beginning, you hear the Angel say, “Throw the Halo” and then you see it. You see a big bright light with something on the end flow in a line from the bottom up. It’s the only video in the history of humanity of an Angels halo.

Angel Saying “A Halo”
Talking with Angels when one spoke about the halo and another showed it. In the video you see the bright light of it and hear the Angel say, ” A Halo.”

Voice Says” Look at That”
At the very beginning, you hear “Look at that” and then see a huge energy fly by.

Voice Saying “Blue Light”
At the very beginning, you hear the Angel say, “Blue Light” and then 3 seconds into the video you will see towards the bottom a blue light come out of the wall and flicker