Who is Jesus?
God placed His light in human form at a time in human consciousness when we needed to know more.
Thousands of years ago, we lived with an idea of God that couldn’t go deeper. No one knew His magnitude or Him. What began with one person soon went to many people. When God gave the Israelites the way to know Him, it went in many directions. People constantly carried false idols and other gods. The pluralistic nature of human consciousness has always been there.
We don’t really believe one God created all of this. It’s not even being lived in religion. The ideologies in religion have false idols pretending to be something near God. The idealogy of that alone is bleeding the light of God into others. No one should see any human being on earth as someone near God unless He chooses them.
We’ve been creating our ideas of God through false idols instead of living directly with God. The primary offender is satan. Satan will please ego regardless of the consequences. Nothing in this world can stand with God unless He chooses them.
We’ve been accepting human ideas where human beings place titles and positions as decrees with God in satans branding and marketing of costumes.
During King Ahab and Jezebel, the Israelites worshipped the god, Baal. Even through prophet Samuel and other prophets light was lost.
We didn’t know creation to understand our narrative was the only living level in life. No one knew how God was existing or what being created meant. We were living through another period in human consciousness. Back in 1AD, no one knew cars, lights, microwaves, computers, phones, or airplanes would exist. Those words didn’t exist in human consciousness.
Back then, there wasn’t civility like it is today. Empires and kings constantly conquered land and tried to gain power. The world didn’t live to know God—it wanted Him for control and protection. We grew up learning about God through other people’s renditions, not by God Himself. That error is the devil in human consciousness soothing satan.
The mind of religion was already failing and trying to bequest the Roman Empire. Everyone was making money a second God and society’s reality. We didn’t understand God, and Judaism was turning itself into something in the wrong direction. It was placing practices, protocols, and laws as living with God, which was only individuals claiming Him for power.
God is knowing the Soul’s light, not the self-chattering mind in satan.
We’re walking out of this skin into the light for depth.
No one was living with God teaching about Himself, but everyone claimed Him. The hierarchy of religion made the Pharisees and High Priest the emperors over other Israelites. They proclaimed they knew God beyond everyone else, but none did. Never did any Pharisee hear God’s voice. They were too deep in satan to know Him.
God saw we couldn’t conceive with depth. He placed His light in form so we could know Him from another level. He placed His light in Christ, and even though Jesus wore the clothes of the world—it was God’s light moving at a specific time in human consciousness.
Consciousness is all that is alive. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. God is of no form and of all form. He is consciousness living as resonance. God’s gift to human consciousness is matter. We wouldn’t know depth for existing if not for Heavens level giving us light. We’re living for eternity, experiencing matter from different levels of consciousness.
The human is not the light of the body but the conscious energy inside of it. We’re a thinking species constantly changing form, living from everything other than Love to Love, and as we do, we’ll shape Heaven on Earth. Only one level of consciousness experiences the world, and we only live our narrative as life. Thought is more profound than how we know it. God living as consciousness tells us consciousness is another level outside of our idea of it.
God created everything in existence from a level within His light. Matter is conscious energy. We’re living through human photosynthesis, with hundreds of trillions and trillions of layers of self-organizing energy placing temperature. Matter is a temporal idea that eventually fades. Our ideas of family, friends, and life fade when we leave the body.
The light of the world is the energy within our Soul. Consciousness is continuous. The Soul is consciousness. The Soul is in Heaven, giving the Spirit the way to live in matter. We’re acquiring substance for depth in God.
Jesus is God in a variance of human form. God raised Him and carried Him through the idealogy’s of Judasism and the Roman Empire. He walked the Earth at a pivotal time in human consciousness. Understanding God has always been a mystery for humans. It’s not easy and not given because we want it or Love Him.
God is giving people every chance for depth, but whether we are ready for it or not is upon the Soul. Not everyone breaks world records and no one walks to God. The ideologies of religion make claims they cannot carry.
When God saw Judaism claiming Him as their own, He knew humanity was deeper in greed, selfishness, and dark hearts. Nothing was permeating for the Souls journey to Him. It was at matters level for power and first rights. We didn’t know creation or that only one of us was here with God walking through a story to Him. Instead, we made society a reality and the body as self.
The more society became a reality, and our ears and eyes left God for thePharisees and high priests, the lower in earthly energy we went. Judaism walked itself out of God’s arms for rabbi commentary instead. We didn’t grasp that God existed and weren’t trying to know Him. We tried to please the religious order and the Roman Empire. It was forced living out of the Pharisees and high priests demanding people live as they say with God or be executed. We didn’t know God and never would return to Him on this Earth.
The highest levels of religion killed God’s Son and carry an eternal consequence for it. We made the idea of God in religion instead of knowing the individual is the only one with God walking their Soul’s journey to Love. Only our level of consciousness is the world, and only we can carry God. If we don’t walk out of this world to Him, we stay at matters level, living the body as self and society as reality. We won’t acquire any depth for knowing Spirit and our light in God.
God’s light in form made the Son of God live. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God in human variances. God in the light of the creator is our Father, The Son was His light in human form and the Holy Spirit is the light we are born with of God that has only our depth to know it.
We can only experience God from our present level of consciousness. It’s one level of consciousness out of an infinite, and if we don’t acquire depth, substance, and maturity.
The Holy Spirit is walking with us for depth. When we hear God’s voice, we are with Him, and the Holy Spirit rests. We’re living with many levels of light from God. The world is resonance and nothing here is living as we see it.
God gave us a way to see what we think comfortably. We don’t see energy blocking our view, trillions of cells falling off, or bacteria crawling all over us. We don’t grow up screaming in pain because our bones grow and organs become bigger. No one knows how blood knows it is to be in our veins or how out of plasma Spirit & personality came.
Jesus gave us the way to know Love and God. He broke the Sabbath and the laws of Judaism. He sat with the sinners and drank from a different cloth. He didn’t wash with the practices and protocols of Judaism. He knew God greater than the Pharisees and understood life at creations level.
Christ performed miracles that no human being could and yet we still lived ignorant in satan. He blessed the blind with sight and the crippled with walking. He relinquished our sins and never died for us. He rose to give us the way, again, to know light. The body was a temporal vessel and nothing else. His light was always as God.
Our depth comes from first living in human consciousness and then to God. Jesus didn’t do that. He was of God at birth. Depth with God isn’t a worship or religious idealogy. It is the Soul knowing more.
Every human being is living to know God and no one knows how or why it happens like it does. We don’t dance for God He chooses us. No one can make God know them. He already knows us better than we know ourselves.
We coudn’t live in matter if not for God’s light giving us the way. The trees, oceans, and snowflakes would have no way to exist if not for God’s light placing them. They’re a variance of God’s light. God is the only level in existence and everything else is a variance He created of His light.
We carry His light. Acquiring depth, substance, and maturity with God is through the Soul. The mind is satan’s tool, and it tries to satisfy the ego and the little person’s ideas of God. We’ve come to know God out of living through someone else’s ideas of Him. The idea of God is based on our religion and taught to us. It is the devils level in satan.
God exists. We need to get to God teaching about Himself. There is no point being in a religion when we have a living God with us.
With God
We’re not with God’s light at the depth of Christ at birth. We acquire light. When God chooses us, His magnitude is being made for His idea of our life in matter. We don’t live choosing what God shapes. We live His will and become what He makes us.
The walk is through Christ letting go of self for light.
God is hundreds of billions of years alive and doesn’t live according to our idea of Him. He doesn’t have facial features or a body or need oxygen. He doesn’t need food or a tongue to speak out of thin air. God, living hundreds of billions of years alive, already tells us that humans aren’t what we think they are.
The word created the world, and we come into a world already existing with the library to know. The story of human is one idea out of an infinite. Consciousness completes itself. We’re given a celestial history, present, and future.
The human being is our idea, and what God knows is far beyond it. We are born in a divine light. The depth we carry in God is out of the Soul. Even if we do not know Him. The substance is being made from Love. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we know as life is an idea in our mind.
Jesus has always been part of human consciousness. His light was with us at the beginning. Living with God is walking in the light of Christ.