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Living with God
Teaching About Himself

From matter’s thought system to Heaven’s light.

Religion is matters level. We don’t know God by carrying ideas from thousands of years ago. The walk is out of this skin for light, living with God teaching about Himself.  


Peter knew Jesus not by flesh and blood but by God moving in Him. 

God is the Father placing light with us from any one level of consciousness. He’s the creator of everything in existence and is the light all life is in. One God. 

Jesus is the light of God manifesting in matter for us to know Him. He’s called the Son because He wore the clothes of the world in a human story at its level of consciousness. God placed His light in the world when humanity was derailing from Him. He gave us a way to see and know Him. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one and live in variances of human existence. God of no form and of all form told us He would live in anyone and anything at any time. 

The Holy Spirit is the light of God at our present level of thinking. God placed free will for thinking anything we want and bringing it into being. He gave us a lantern to know Him no matter what level of consciousness we were living. The Holy Spirit exists at our depth of receiving. It’s His light when we don’t actually hear His voice. Hearing God is hearing God.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are God’s light moving with us, no matter where we are in life. 

Peter knew Jesus was the Messiah, not by flesh and blood but by God. When Jesus saw that God would move in a mere human being, He knew the house of God would be built on that rock. The church isn’t a building; it’s our temple in God. God placed land that would never be destroyed or stolen by anything in human consciousness. No one can harm the Soul; we only harm our own Soul. We’re carrying His light in consciousness.  Jesus saw the Love of God and the Holy Spirit when He saw God move in Peter. 

The Living Light

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The essence of the human being in all its variances with God.


Hear God say, “Give Love, Love.”

What is Human?

We’re a variance in God. His light makes up our existence. 

Our idea of human doesn’t exist. We idealize it at this one level of consciousness without knowing creation or how matter exists. We’re living in human photosynthesis. Consciousness is all that is alive. God gave us the way to experience matter from any one level of consciousness. We’re a blend of light, carrying more intelligence than just the idea of “self.” The blend of light is other intelligences/races. 

Two Depths in God

One is in lower earthly energy in satan, and the other is living with God teaching about Himself. 

                        Knowing God in satan                                                               Hearing God

Lower Earthly Energy/Satan

We live society as reality and the body as self. We identify with matter instead of knowing light. We try to be someone instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. 


We know Love and identify with Spirit. We don’t walk in religions. We’re beyond them, deeper in Christ, living for light. Life unfolds for Heaven on Earth instead of living as “a someone.”


We live by religion and under someone who teaches about God. We see family as family and traditions as traditions. We don’t know Heaven or God as our mother, father, brother, and sister. 


We live by God’s will, hearing Him.  We hear Heaven and live in another reality with God as reality, not society as reality. The mind changes from matter’s thought system to Heaven’s light.  


We know a mainstream idea of God that institutions accept and family admires. We live by practices, protocols and human precepts. We haven’t known anything about God except what someone else told us. 


We live with Angels, Celestial Light, Conscious Energy, Spark Beings, and other races of Heaven as family. The world is for moving deeper into light instead of making a representative be something for society. 

Listen to God’s Voice

Hear God heal a human being. 


When God removed a traumatic event, He said, “Follow,” as His Angels said,” He Loves you, happy, happy, happy.  

Don't You Fear Death For It Will Follow You

God was teaching about light. The body comes and goes but consciousness is continuous. 

Your Not Praying for Love 9-2-2024

God was placing light for Love to live in all things.

Love 9-3-2024

Taking a moment to remind us about our depth and why we are here. 

Who is God?


Who is Thinking?

Thinking is created light. It’s an idea that constantly moves. We’re not our thoughts they are a temporal storyboard living as narratives we make real or unreal. It’s been placed out of a library with trillions of variances and multiple thinking levels. Consciousness is all that is alive. When we leave the body, thinking fades. We want to transcend beyond ego, satan, and the little person to a deeper depth of light in God. 

Who is Self?

Self is the temporal world’s idea. Self doesn’t exist, Spirit does. Self is the idea that builds from not knowing Spirit. We’re not the body; we’re the conscious energy inside the body. The light we carry is beyond this one life and continuous. When we leave this body, we change for new light. We’re shaping a representative we know as self because we place self-identity in matter. We believe our identity is the clothes, name, car, family, hairstyle, job title, neighborhood, and bank account. If we knew God as our mother, father, brother, and sister, we would place Spirit identification over matter identification.


Life with God Teaching About Himself

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