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Knowing More

The enormity of what has been lived in fourteen years could be lived in many lifetimes. God isn’t counting our experiences; He’s looking at our light. He knows more than what the mind is delivering. Many layers of living shape our depth, and most of our experiences are beyond what we can imagine carries a divine value. Abraham being told to sacrifice His son Isaac was outside of everything Godlike. It would have seemed more like the devil for anyone observing it, but for Abraham, the idea of God over everything in life changed our existence. 

In that experience, God knew that human beings could know Him beyond anything in human consciousness. Our story wouldn’t dictate His existence. Nothing we can think can separate us from God. God moves beyond the mind’s ideas. We’re making life into something but living to unravel everything for light. No one lives with God teaching as children, and the mind makes stories in darker earthly energy because we live at matters level. 

We’re struggling with a world because the depth we live in was shallow before Jesus. World religions placed ideologies instead of knowing God. We don’t live to evolve or awaken consciously. We live lower mind trying to be someone to society instead of leaving it. We’re staying in satan at one level of thinking throughout our lives without a way to know more or see more.

We want to move away from worldly ideas and go deeper with self-inquisitions about Spirit and God. Something more has to pine in us for changing lower earthly energy. We haven’t known creation to understand the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or Heaven. 


We’re living to know Love. As we carve light in the Soul we acquire depth in consciousness. 

Reality, belief systems, and ideologies are worn-out dogmas that live rudimentary and at matters level. They are face-value assumptions. We’re not thinking equal to the light of satellites or heart transplants. The maturity in human consciousness is missing. We’re on a planet in space, making a trillionaire success instead of enlightenment, opening more worlds. The human mind doesn’t acquire light because technology increases. We’re given a lot of items in life for living from one era to another. 

We’re a thinking species living in resonance. Consciousness is all that is alive. Society as reality is the lower mind idea placing self as something tangible and through our senses. It’s harder to walk with faith or postulate about something more when we don’t see it right away. Knowing God was of no form and of all form told us there was more here we do not know. 

The mind wants to live in its knowing and not knowing instead. We don’t shatter any glass ceilings in thinking. It’s a repertoire that shades everything in life as already known or not known. Our substance, depth, and maturity haven’t increased because our surroundings have upgraded with technology. If we had more depth, human principles would carry more life. We would stand differently.

The ego is endless and needs to feel worthy. We want to have status and power. Having status has become the target of human life. Everything is branding and marketing instead of depth and maturity. Ego, Satan, and the little person build status and self-identity in matter. They are the makers of the little person who never leaves matters level of life.

Consciously evolving is every human being’s birthright. We’re not here to be “a someone” in society. We’re here to know God. 



God, hundreds of billions of years alive, created a complexity in life that relies on our awakening. The human being has never been the human being. God, hundreds of billions of years alive, created human consciousness. The gift He gave is matter. He gave human consciousness the way to live in matter from any one level of consciousness. This gave us the way to live for eternity, experiencing different levels of consciousness in matter. We’re constantly changing form. The body leaves, but consciousness is continuous. 

The idea of humans is an idea that never knew God, Spirit, reality, or how matter exists. God created us in His likeness. We are not the body; we are the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is a temporal idea we make; when we leave it, the story we live as life fades. Our time here is for depth. Depth is what opens ideas to light. We never leave the incubator if we only major in mainstream ideas as reality. We want to consciously evolve for consciousness to place more light in the Soul. Love is the way. 

Walking It

The world is thought, and only our narrative exists. It’s an individual walk outside of every idea ever placed. We unravel our thought system to know more. There is a unique path we walk, and it doesn’t fit into this world. Only we know it, and only we walk it. The deeper in Love we can live, the more light we can know. Jesus isn’t a religious metaphor. He is the Son of God, giving us the way to know a path very few know. The door has always been in His Love, and the way has always been by our Soul.

The mind is the storyteller that moves with satan and ego before God. We’re living through everything other than Love to Love for walking out of self for light. The more we claim our heritage, religions, family, self, and society as reality, the more work we need to do to lose self.  We’re placing self-identity in matter when we’re supposed to be losing our lives to gain them in God. Losing our lives is out of a deeper walk altogether than family and society’s ideas of life. 

It requires depth, substance, and maturity with another idea of life that doesn’t exist at this moment for us. The traveler isn’t placing a home in matter. The traveler knows the Spirit and another reality of our existence. We want to go inward, not outward. Society wants us to live with branding as who we are. Heaven carries the inward light of our divinity with God. The outer world is bracing satan and their ego for feeling like the representative we shaped is real. Heaven is placing the eternal landscape of living in God.  Two worlds walking alongside each other both carry different realities and worlds. 

We’re living from the many to the one. When we realize the one, we know the illusion and the story of life. The world seems to trip everyone up and detour them. If we live for God, we walk out of our skin for light.

The Individual Walk with God

Religion is the temporal world’s ideas, and in satan. It’s not walking with God. Only the individual walks with God. The story of life lives as something, and we walk through it to Him. It’s not a story the mind shapes as knowing Him. We don’t design our walk with God and fulfill it and believe it. When we design our walk with God, it was satan who made it. 

The individual walks to God, unraveling our Soul for light. We walk the journey of Love for losing self-emptying ideas of self. Losing our ideas of self is imperative for knowing light. We don’t carry substance to know light if we only try to be someone having light. The acquired level is placed. We don’t make it be something at our level of thinking. Very few people have lived with God teaching about Himself in the history of the human race. It’s not a religious walk. We’re taking a deeper Soul to walk with God, consciously evolving beyond this reality with Him. 

The Infinite Building of Light

Being created by God means we’re living in something. It’s not for being a CEO, accountant, or another idea in matter. Matter is what we’re living through for building beyond it. Knowing God gave us the path. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we think is an idea in our mind. The word created the world spoke to consciousness living as life. Only what we can think can live as life. Human thinking has been in lower mind, living through incessant thinking. We only hear our voices in our head narrating life. We’ll live in self-chatter this entire life until we hear God’s voice.

Only when we hear God’s voice do we leave self-chatter and learn ultimate reality. Until then, we place our ideas as life and our narrative as our existence.

Where it began is the way home. We’re a variance in God that has been blended with other intelligences to live aware of our existence. God gave energy the way to know itself and placed it to shape human consciousness. Life carries what is beyond us to know more.  God created snowflakes, blades of grass, and raindrops to live in their own light. He mastered the heart’s rhythm and an ecosystem of life with hundreds of trillions and trillions of elements to live, to place another idea for its existence. Each piece works separately in its own light and together perfectly. It’s an amazing puzzle of infinite pieces, all living for each other. 

God’s light reminds us of our journey to oneness. God of nor form and of all form moving in all things is our light.  He’s giving us the way to know I Am the Door in Christ. The greatest achievement ever lived in human history is living with God. 

Our depth and journey here are for Him. We’re living through everything other than Love to Love and acquiring depth, substance, and maturity for light to know another world of Heaven with us.