The Road Few Travel
Nothing in our world can carry
our light deeper in God but God.
It’s a world that’s hidden from us until we get there. No one can design how to break free from one level of reality to another. It’s not ours and it’s His.
We come into the world already existing and only know what’s taught to us. We go along with what is in front of us without questioning it. The world before us is accepted until something deeper in our Soul sparks. When that happens, other paths subtly appear. We have deeper choices to make when life gets deeper.
No one can decide how God will walk in this life. His world is very different from ours; what He sees isn’t our perspective. Our perspective doesn’t work with Heaven’s level of life. No one can carry what is deeper outside of their reality. The ways of Heaven are different. We’re not living at His level of existence. We are in ours, and ours is different than His.
We won’t ever see the totality of God. We can only know Him from this one level of consciousness, which is one level of consciousness out of the infinite. We have eternal living to know Him. The depth we acquire when we’re with God is through many practices we wouldn’t choose or come near. We won’t understand them all, and we might not approve of some, but they all have a place in the outcome. Our walk with God isn’t a mainstream concept. It doesn’t fit in any religion because it’s the blueprint to life. Every human being is on the walk to God, whether they know it or not.

God is with us whether we know it or not. We’re living with a multitude of races in Heaven, and all parts of life are alive.
Two Heavenly Recordings From the Possum Video.
Everything given is for the mind to shift to light.
The journey for depth isn’t based on karma or some system of us as humans. The world is at a level of consciousness when we come into it. What is seen is not what all is being lived. More exists than we know. The Soul is in Heaven govong Spirit the way to live in matter. The conquest is for Love.
Our lives were created and weaved in a story that extends beyond this world. We’ve been blended with other races to live in matter. We’re a variance in God’s light, and God’s light is layers and layers and layers of intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive.
August 9, 2024
I’ve lived with God teaching about Himself for over 12 years. His life is very different from ours and from other parts of living. He gives to us and knows us. Over the last 2 1/2 years, the practice has become more arduous and different. Nothing in this world could easily accept it or live it. It’s been profound to witness how malleable the world is and to know creation’s level with more substance.
Living created means we are living in something and being raised. There is more with us, and there is more intelligence blended in our light, which is other races. The human idea of an individual isn’t a strand of light. We carry multiple strands of light for carrying our light. We have Angels, Celestial Light, Spark Beings, and more with us.
Last night, I was grateful God was here. Even though it’s silly, it’s also not only because the enormous amount of arduous living had made this experience twice as much.
While working, my beautiful cat came through the cat door with a live mouse! He dropped it, and it ran under my fridge. I didn’t know what to do. I shook the fridge, hoping to catch it, but it went under my kitchen cabinets. I was unsettled with this little one now in the house. I had an exchange with God over it. I wanted help and wasn’t okay with this happening. There had been a string of issues beyond my control coming forward.
Heaven said to open the back door and said, “Watch where it goes.” God has known my future and seen circumstances for my life in the past. Years ago, He knew when He had me sell my car and leave for Saint Louis to help my mom, I would be there for three years, carrying her to Heaven. He knew my life three years out.
God knew the mouse’s itinerary and already knew how it was leaving.
God told me repeatedly, “Watch where it goes.” At one point, I had seen a possum in the back and was going to shut the back door when Heaven said, “Keep it open.” I had no idea, but knew to listen and not worry about the possum. It was about after 4 am. I continued working and googled to see if mice eat rice not knowing where it had traveled. And discovered they eat pasta, quinoa, and other foods, so I decided to put them in the fridge. Then I went on Amazon to buy containers, and God said, “Watch where it goes.”
(Video of the possum)
It’s now around 5 a.m., and I saw the mouse come out from under the stove and watched it—it went around the corner and towards the back door area, and it ran into the backyard! God knew what the mouse would do ahead of time and planned its leaving. He told me exactly what I should do.
Some of the miraculous levels besides God being there:
- God knew the mouse was leaving and how.
- God had me look behind me at the exact moment the mouse came out from under the stove.
- God telling me to watch where it goes so that I would see it leave and not care again about it.
We don’t realize the enormity of His existence in all things and everywhere we are. He’s with us.