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Perception and Consciousness

Perception is relative to the present level of consciousness. Human beings only live in their narrative and only at their present level of consciousness. No one lives outside of their thoughts, and everyone experiences a world catered to their thoughts.

We only listen in our narrative, answer in our narrative and walk in our narrative. Our thoughts are the only level existing as life. Everything in our world is energy. Matter at the smallest particle, is a wave only having properties through human photosynthesis. We’re living through different levels of light in temperature for density in matter.

When God created life it was through His energy, He gave the nucleus of the atom, which is heavenly living in intelligence beyond any level humanity will have the aptitude to conceive. Every atom lives in light having its measure in the conscious space of God for human consciousness to assign the atoms purpose and the livingness of the particle.

We’re living through images in our Soul that live in holographic light in decimals. Every thought is in trillions and trillions and trillions of subatomic particles in light beyond any measure we can conceive. The light has existed for hundreds of billions of years alive and has always been consciousness creating its way to complete unity of living. The functioning level in all matter is God’s idea of it. The word created the world and the word was from Him. 

Perception is created before birth in human photosynthesis (not to be confused with plant photosynthesis). It’s part of the anatomy of consciousness.  Every embryo has light before it’s in matter. The embryo begins out of frequencies in photosynthesis. Energy in different levels of temperature multiplies the level for mass to form. Higher intelligence is blended for our light to exist. We’re mixed with other races of light for living in matter.

It’s the epitome of celestial life, having intelligence in human consciousness for giving exactly what we think as life. 

Every human being has unique algorithms existing in their level for experiencing the world only in their light. No two people see the same or experience the same light no matter the agreement. Human beings can only experience their narrative at their level of consciousness. There isn’t any other level existing with the observer in life other than their own level in matter. We never see the totality of anything, including our children, parents, friends, and colleagues. They are living in another level of life, experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. We can only experience them from our level of consciousness. 

No one sees the totality of the pages of the Bible. Even if they hand it around a room and ask, ” Do you see what I do?” It will only be their narrative listening and only hearing what they want to hear and don’t want to hear. 

People see matter and other people as outside of them, but they are only living through them. There is no place where one person begins or another ends. If we saw our world at creations level, we would see grids of energy existing in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance for as far as the eye could see in all directions and never-ending. There isn’t a speck of matter in Heaven’s level. God is of no form and is of all form because of He’s the light matetr lives from.  

Our world exists with intelligence that has other races without bodies or facial features. They are energy that can communicate and have existed for hundreds of billions of years alive. Conscious Energy is a great example of another race that is the fabric of our world and giving us our livingness in matter in human photosynthesis. They are the mass, force, velocity, temperature and levity in all matter. There is much more existing than we’ve ever fathomed as life with us. 

We see our world comfortably and only through our level of thinking. Which all thought emerges out of consciousness. We don’t witness the trillions of bacteria crawling all over everything or even the smaller microbes blanketing our world. We only see our thoughts at our present level of consciousness. We create our light out of Love. Most people only know Love at society’s level, but Love is the energy of God and it’s the only energy expanding consciousness. Heaven lives higher in levels of light than any other levels of energy. So when we live Love, we have heavenly feelings.

Perception is through Heaven’s light in our Soul. All other messengers have no level of giving to matters level. The magnitude of energy in one thought is trillions and trillions and trillions of energy. No one exists outside of their own level of intelligence.  What we see in matter is an optical illusion only living at one level of consciousness.  Every electron exists already in consciousness. Everything in existence is living in the conscious space of God on some level, down to the most quantum levels and beyond. 

The moment we are born, we are existing in a light that is never ending, and that means even when we leave the body our light exists. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off for every life what is continuous is consciousness. Even our mind and all thoughts are temporal only giving the story to live through for becoming more conscious of God. 

We’re not living for matters level (society) it’s the transitory level in life. We’re living for consciously evolving beyond it to greater levels of thinking. The present level of thinking only experiences the same resonance as life.  We’re thinking everything into being from one perspective when there is many more we could have. 

Everyone lives quietly thinking to themselves in a narrative that creates reality. We think from one thought to the next moving forward through matter. We never live outside of our thoughts. This creates the perception of matter at the present lidea of it but it’s only one story we’re trying to awaken out of.  The Soul is alive, and the Soul is the consciousness Love. Thinking is temporary and only feeds us the story. The brain is a processor giving us the way to live through matter in consciousness. All thought emerges out of consciousness. Consciousness doesn’t change like thoughts do and is the knowing of all.